Monthly Archives February 2019

Dates: Prospective & Certain

Hey there Gang, I’d planned on constructing an-ever-so-organized calendar of dates for you to remember however we’re still waiting on about 1/3 of you on your availability for our end of term concert. Please send us an email in reply to these weighty questions: #1. Are you available for our end of term performance on Sunday April 28th – Yes or No #2. Are you available for our end of term performance on Sunday May 5th.   – Yes or No #3. Are you available for dress rehearsal Saturday April 27th 9:45 am till noon – Yes or No #4. Are
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Categories: Brenda's Updates.

Blueberries. And the story of a singer,

Good Morning. Blueberries, gotta have em. They’re tasty, very blue, and come in variable round shapes. Put em’ in your lunch bag, your morning pancakes, a smoothie, and your lover’s freezer. Sign up today! Our March 9th rehearsal will take place at Delta United Church, 47 Ottawa Street South, in the Memory Room. The final concert and dress rehearsal dates are still in question as we have not yet heard from enough of you. Get off your duff and let us know your availability so we can book a venue ASAP. I’ve pasted the core questions below: Please reply to
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Categories: Brenda's Updates.


Synergy. Defined as an interaction of two or more parts to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their parts. Do you realize that every Saturday morning we come together and substantiate the phenomenon of synergy? Singing in the shower was once satisfying enough, but once you get a taste of the good stuff at Hamilton Sings, there’s no going back. Sort of like craft beer vs Bud Light. Have you checked out the active members page at yet? You will now find voice files for “In Een Blauwgeruite Kiel” Give it a listen so you can
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Categories: Brenda's Updates.

Coins may jingle, but bills stack better

Hello Gang The first voice file of the term is now available on the active members page at She The Sea, sung in angelic 2 part harmony. Give it a listen, several times if you can, so you can internalize the tune and hopefully memorize the lyrics. Password is sings!17-20 Though not much of a fashion statement, donning a name tag can really help lubricate the social machinery. Can’t remember the name of that soprano vixen you desperately want to know better? Distracted by thoughts of “What’s that dude’s name again?” Relief can be found by asking for your
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Categories: Brenda's Updates.