Blueberry News

Good Morning Fellow Choristers

Do you have any idea how tasty your morning oatmeal will be, now that you have the opportunity to garnish it with succulent, wild Nova Scotia-grown blueberries? You must pre-pay with cash or cheque when you sign up for your bag(s) tomorrow and Nov 11th. Delivery will be Nov 18th at noon so you may want to bring an insulated container – newspapers work too it you’re a peasant like me. If you place an order and can’t attend on the 18th – you MUST make arrangements with someone for pickup. $20 for a 4.2 pound frozen bag with a whopping $9 of this going straight into the grateful coffers of your favorite community endeavor – Hamilton Sings. It’s a great way to make a contribution while ensuring a quality breakfast oatmeal (or muffin, cake, smoothie, blueberry balsamic glazed chicken, blueberry Brie & lemon curd grilled cheese – seriously, blueberries are a foodie essential. Check out this link for further culinary inspiration.

The Christmas season looms and so does our end of term concert/bake and craft sale on Saturday Dec 2nd. Are you practicing at home, utilizing those handy voice files found on our private members page? At the risk of repeating myself – those files are a darn useful learning tool. Check ‘em out!

Last week’s Halloween social was a big hit. Please see the attached photos for irrefutable proof of a good time had by all.

See ya.

Brenda Atkinson

Hamilton Sings Volunteer

Categories: Brenda's Updates.