Brenda’s Back!

Greetings Fellow Choristers:

No, it’s not a burp-sneeze. It’s a Danish word, apparently no equivalent English word exists. The best attempt at a translation I’ve heard so far is “indulging the senses”. And this unpronounceable word is the theme of our upcoming December 1st concert – as we intend to dazzle the senses with our music and baked goods. And you’re part of the action! But we need to get organized. Specifically:

We need a volunteer. This esteemed position requires a can-do sort – someone willing to direct the many other volunteers available to perform simple tasks like sell tickets, organize a bake sale table, and poster their neighbourhood. Just report to the entry desk ASAP and you’ll have plenty of others there to support you in your efforts. Volunteers rock.

If you are like me, and get giddy at the idea of perfect order, we need your help about 3 weeks from now, for a sheet music archiving endeavor. We’ve got sheaves of sheet music that requires organization so we can lay our hands on it once more without tearing our hair out. Details to follow soon however it would simply involve 4 or more people hanging out for an hour after practice to shuffle some paper. Paper cuts are a possible hazard but I know you guys are brave. . . . .

May you arrive no later than 9:45, with dry foot ware, a scent-free personna, and a “me and my co-singers are gonna rock the house this morning” attitude.

If you have questions or concerns, feel free to send an email to We’re in this together, growing together, messing up and winning together – so let us know your thoughts. Additionally – check out the singing voice files on the member’s page, password is sings!17-20. These voice files can be an invaluable way to practice your part so you can sing with confidence anytime.

FEED THE HAT (and the thermometer)
That magical thermometer on the members page requires your stimulus to grow. Or you can feed the hat upon your arrival at practice. Recommended term fees this fall are $125/participant but whatever you can afford is acceptable. Give it up for the choir! That’s your choir folks!

As always, I look forward to seeing your shining faces this coming Saturday. Hamilton Sings is an exceptional endeavor, and you are all exceptional people.


Brenda Atkinson

Hamilton Sings Volunteer

Categories: Brenda's Updates.