Hi Songsters

Hi Songsters

So, you’ve decided to join this diverse crew Saturday mornings this winter. Wise choice. You’ll keep those voice muscles limber while staying warmer amid your co-choristers. Though your presence this term is highly valued, your infectious viruses are not – so if you’re sick, stay away please. Instead, find yourself a choir buddy who can keep you up to date on time missed.

By now, you’re familiar with the routine of signing in upon arrival and finding a preferred chair. Could you also deign to wear a name tag? Though the tags are not exactly a fashion statement, they do serve to lubricate the social wheel . . . .”What’s your name again?” sounds goofy enough for people to avoid chancing it. Give your fellow singer a break so they can feel free to mix with you. No more eyeing that nameless bass from afar. Wink.

During the course of this term, you’ll have the opportunity to learn various terms commonly used among music professionals. “From the top!” was used last week, meaning start at the very beginning of the score. Music nomenclature can be enormously complicated but no-one here wants you to be daunted by that. You’re here to have fun, fun, fun after all. But a few new terms thrown around casually to impress your book club friends can’t be a bad thing.

Though each vocal section will work hard to learn their pitches, it is essential that all sections learn the song rhythm and of utmost importance – follow conductor direction. That means keeping your head up and eyes on the conductor. Keep your music in one hand and to the right/left of your sight line to the front. You can keep your eyes on direction while taking a sidelong glance at your music as needed. This posture will also open up your throat and help minimize muscle strain.

While you labour with the tunes, a crew of people labour on the sidelines trying to ensure our fiscal good health. Just a few words from one of these labouring souls, Tony Carlson:

Looking for sponsor leads
Just a reminder to let us know if you work for, or are aware of, any organization – or individual – who has an interest in the arts and might be willing to be a sponsor of our choir. We will do all the hard work; all we’re asking for is the name of someone we can approach with sponsorship opportunities that range from being a supporting sponsor of the choir as a whole to targeting one of our concerts, or even one of our songs. Please send any input to hamiltonsings@gmail.com or info@hamiltonsings.ca.

See you all again this Saturday.
Brenda Atkinson

Categories: Brenda's Updates.