Wild Choristers


Welcome back after the long weekend. Trust you all ate too much, avoided a dining table shouting match over political sensibilities, and missed your fellow choristers terribly. We gather again this coming Saturday morning at 9:45 and I’m giving you a heads up on what’s up. . . . . . .

Wild Blueberries for Wild Choristers. And we’re not talking about that pedestrian produce available at your local mega mart my friends, but renowned Nova Scotia Oxford County’s frozen wild blueberries. 2 kilo bag for $20 or case of 6 bags for $120, and the choir earns $9/bag! Get your order sheets with associated funds to rehearsal this Saturday please – our hard end of ordering date is Oct 26th at the very latest. Delivery on November 2nd at the conclusion of our rehearsal and community singing session. This way, the friends you’ve convinced to buy berries can get a few tunes in before accepting delivery. Feel free to contact Haley at  haley.reap@gmail.com if you have any further berry questions. My hubby still gives me a hard time about only buying one bag last year. So don’t be a chump –  get ‘em while they’re plump.

And get thee to the private member’s page at hamiltonsings.ca Once there, you can review those handy dandy audio files that Hanna/Sue/Bob produce and post for your benefit. Reminder that Hanna has asked us all to memorize Gold (thus far). If you (still) need the password, just send an email to hamiltonsings@gmail.com and someone will get back to you eventually.

Keep your eyes on the ball. Follow the flapping wing. Mind the store. Pay attention to. Ride herd on. These are all synonyms for a simple message – you must follow our conductors closely in order for us to come together as one voice, then two voices, three voices, and four.

Take a close listen to Toronto choir Echo’s iteration of One Voice, as found on our members page. It’s enough to make you weep with happiness.

Hugs all

Brenda Atkinson


Categories: Brenda's Updates.